The Tamil New Year also known as 'Varushapirapu' falls on the 14th April.
According to the Hindhu Mythology, the creator of the world Lord Brahma started creation on this day. Thus, hindhus celebrate this day as the beginning of the first month, Chitirai of the Tamil New Year.
Traditionally , the day starts out by viewing of auspicious things such as gold and silver jewellery, betel leaves, nuts, fruits, flowers, raw rice and coconut which are placed in the family altar or prayer room. This is especially significant during the celebration as the the first day of the Tamil new year is believed to be indicative of how the rest of the year ahead would be.
Well that was just abit on Tamil New Year.
Would like to sign off by wishing all celebrating the Tamil New Year,
Happy New Year, Puthandhu Vazthukal !

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