Vote for your next Management Committee! Voting starts on 25th August 2010 at 12pm and ends on 8th September 2010 at 12pm.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Movie Night is back!!!

Hey Guys!

Back from the break, hope everyone's Christmas and New Year went on by smoothly and as fulfilling as they could! If you made resolutions, remember to follow up with them and not let go halfway!

Everyones back to school and most of us find it such a drag! To make the semester a little more bearable we've organized movie night for the month of February on the 18th!

This months theme is 'Bollywood in Hollywood'. I think the theme speaks for itself so what's everyone waiting for? Vote away right here!!

1. Bend it like Beckham
2. Pride and Predjudice
3. Monsoon Wedding
4. Slumdog Millionaire
5. Mistress of Spices

Naz =)

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