On 11th April 2008, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Indian Cultural Society's Nigel & Friends team organized a visit to the Spastic Children Association School as part of their 25th Anniversary Charity Project.
SIM ICC members took their time off to help NPICS over this event by going over to the SCAS to help and interact with the children. There were 2 time slots, one from 10am to 11:30am and 1:15pm to 2:30pm. SIM ICC members stayed for both sessions to help out.
We learned about how the school operates and the facilities it has in order to cater to the children's needs. We were also given the opportunity to interact with the children personally. Each and every kid was special in their own ways and at the end of the day, the kids made our day special and memorable. It was a heartwarming experience which will remain in our hearts for a long time.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our SIM ICC members (Satheeish, Ponvili, Shanjini) and the few of our NTU friends who came together to help out in this event. Thank you so much, guys.
Uma Mageswari T & Sathiya Moorthy
President & Vice-President
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