Monday, February 25, 2008
"அரங்கம்" by Ravindran Drama Group
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Annual General Meeting 2008
Date: Friday 22nd February 2008
Venue: Room 4.25
Time: 7pm
Attendance: COMPULSORY
Agenda: (Ranked in accordance to importance)
- Handover and takeover of Committee*
- Akshava 2008 - SIM ICC show details and briefing
- V2 planning and gathering of manpower
- Reinforcement of Friday evening activity: Captain's Ball
- All other issues
* Please note that you are supposed to cast your votes for the following posts of President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer & Events Coordinator for the next Executive Committee (2008), by SMSing your choice of names to Navin @ 94871284 or Shanjini @ 81633464. The deadline is Thursday 21st February 2008 by midnight.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Chalet @ Bottle Tree Park
Until the next one, here's wishing everybody the very best & take care. You guys rock!
Regards, :)
Sanjay Devaraj
PS. Not all of the photos have been posted up here, since there is high tendency that it will lag the website. For the complete set of photos, please request for them from me. Thanks!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Dear Members,
It's time to get together and have some fun!!!
SIM ICC will be organizing a BBQ at a chalet on the 11th & 12th of February (Monday & Tuesday) at Bottle Tree Village at Sembawang. We will be having a series of events, not forgetting hosting a BBQ for you guys.
Members can start arriving on the 11th from 12pm onwards for the chalet. Please note that those interested in attending will have to make a payment of $5 (if attending on 11th only) or $10 (if staying overnight till 12th).
Please let me know of your attendance LATEST by this Friday (8th of February), via email or contact (81633464). Payments for the chalet must be made to the treasurer Darsha (98896096), preferably before the 11th. Please make arrangements with her regarding the payment.
Details and agenda of the chalet are as below. Please take a look and kindly let me know if you can contribute any of the items or assist in any other way. According to Ali, it is possible to do a booking online for the BBQ food inclusive of utensils and BBQ items like wire mesh, etc. which will be delivered to the destination itself. Will let you guys know if we get a favourable response regarding that possibility.
Details & Agenda for Chalet (11th & 12th February)
Rules and regulations:
- No consumption of alcoholic drinks at chalet.
- No smoking within premises of chalet.
- Do not bring along expensive items like watches etc.
BBQ Menu to be bought on 11th February:
- Chicken wings - marinate items handled by Navin
- Crab sticks
- Sotong balls
- Otak Otak
- Fish wrap (in aluminum) - marinate items handled by Shanjini
- Ready-made satay
- Hot dogs
- Marshmallow in choc dip
- Orange mix
- 6-8 F&N bottles
- Plastic Fork & Spoon - ICC locker
- Tissue roll
- Plastic plates
- Plastic cups
Additional items:
- Chili sauce
- Tomato sauce
- Butter
- Ice
BBQ items:
- Wire mesh - 2
- Charcoal
- Fire starter
- Tongs - 3
- Skewers - 8
- Matches
- Aluminum trays - 4
- Aluminum foils - 2 rolls
- Rubber bands - 5
- Knife
- Scissors
- Hand soap
- Rag - 2
- Garbage bags
- Water dispenser
- First aid kit
- Torchlights
- Ice Breaker (if needed) - Wacko
- Taboo - Navin to arrange
- Celebrity Photo Identification Game - Navin
- Charades
- Packet of Cards - Ali
- Soccer ball - Navin
- Volley ball - Shanjini
- Hi-5 system - Navin
- Laptop - Shanjini
- Songs - Rafi
- Navin's friend
- Ali
- Val
- To be handled by Darsha. Any value off budget to be compensated with ICC funds.
- V2 planning and gathering of manpower
- Akshava 2008 SIM ICC show details and briefing
- Handover and takeover of Committee
- Feedback on Sports Spectra 2008
- Reinforcement of Friday evening activity: Captain's Ball
Thank you!
Yours sincerely,
Shanjini Kunasekaran