Satheeish & Darsha have done us proud by clinching the 3rd prize for CCP (Customary Costume Parade) at the recent Aaraathaana 2007. They performed an enactment of the Karwa Chauth - a North Indian festival. A married woman celebrates this day with great fervor and dedication, by observing a fast and praying for the long life of her husband. The most important aspect of this day is that a dawn to dusk fast is undertaken by the North Indian ladies and seeing the moon they finally break the fast. Darsha took our hearts away by giving a splendid performance while Satheeish exuberated his suave charms to wow the audience.
Special thanks goes out to Mathi, Shanjini, Gayathri & Sanjay who helped the couple out with their dressing and make-up backstage. SIM ICC would like to convey a huge THANK YOU! to all of you who not only came down for the show to support the couple, but also have been watching them rehearse all along before the show and showing your genuine concern and support by correcting and motivating them.

The gang had dinner together at Al-Ameen after the show to celebrate the win garnered. It was indeed an evening to remember and we definitely look forward to more of such gatherings. Below are more pictures taken in school on that day before the competition. They had been rehearsing conscientiously since morning that day, which of course has proved to be much fruitful. We applaud their undying effort.
The following message was sent by Satheeish & Darsha just before the commencement of their performance at the show:
"Folks. Please sit back and relax. What you are about to see on stage, is the realisation of all your hard work, time and comments. When you hear the applause at the end of the performance, we want you to remember that they are applauding you and the effort you've put in to make this performance materialise. Whether we win or not depends on God, but in our eyes, we've already won because through this CCP, all of us found a reason to palagaran with each other even more. The both of us would like to dedicate our performance to each one of you. We hope we can make you feel proud after we walk off the stage."
We're indeed happy for them and very much proud of them! Here's hoping that our SIM ICC soars to greater heights!
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