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Friday, September 21, 2007

SIM ICC Freshmen Orientation

Dear members,

As you all would've known, we had our SIM Student Week held recently at our campus. We recruited a substantial amount of freshmen into our club and would like to welcome them formally into our club as members of ICC. As such, we will be holding a formal orientation in school to invite them formally into our club where it will be a good opportunity for us to get to know the freshmen better. Details are as follows:
Event: Freshmen Orientation for SIM ICC + birthday celebration for members born in September
Date: Wednesday 26th September 2007
Venue: Room 1.08
Time: 7pm

We have received favorable replies from many of you for the previous email sent out. Thank you so much. Please do try to come down even if it is for a while.

Thank you once again. See you there!

Seva Shanjini
Secretary for SIM ICC

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